Latin Elephant launches innovative Business Programme for MEBs in E&C

Aug 23, 2017 | News and Events

Latin Elephant launches innovative

Business Readiness Programme for all MEBs in E&C


In light of the common uncertainties on the regeneration process in the area of Elephant and Castle, Latin Elephant is launching a new Migrant and Ethnic Business Readiness Programme to support all small migrant and ethnic businesses (MEBs).Collage Multicultarlism

The programme, entirely FREE for traders and employees, will be delivered by a series of workshops open to all migrant and ethnic traders whose businesses are in the E&C regeneration area and whose trading activities contribute to the local economy and the identity of EC as a vibrant multi-cultural place.

The first workshop will run September 19th 5-7pm at the Peabody Building (116 Walworth Road, SE1 6SW).

This programme, funded by the charity United St Saviour’s and Southwark Council, aims to improve access to business support services and to facilitate dialogue between decision makers and the existing community to prepare them for the planned changes. This will be achieved via workshops, referral mechanisms, a mentoring scheme and the elaboration of guides to promote awareness of responsible working and business practices, information about commercial property law and accessing finance.

Latin Elephant will outreach to micro-MEBs in the commercial area of EC to improve business practices to prepare traders for changes associated with the regeneration and to foster engagement with other local organisations to collectively strengthen their position. Minimising the risk of displacement of MEBs around Elephant and Castle is a priority. That will be reached by equipping traders with the necessary skills to bid for affordable commercial spaces available in the new developments, improve business practices, and develop skills to improve resilience in the current context.

There is a critical importance to the project as it will strengthen and revitalise the existing business community whilst minimising negative impacts associated with urban change on businesses and the local people who they assist. MEBs are an integral part of the communities of EC, many of whom are already affected by the regeneration.

These shops provide goods at reasonable prices, services in specific languages, and most importantly these are information centres and meeting points for the local population. MEBs are part of the social fabric of EC, community assets and part of a support network. This informal sector of the local economy is crucial to the livelihoods and resilience of the local population. As one resident pointed out: “If the businesses go, then the people will go as well”. Commercial displacement can lead to further isolation of the local community.

“This is a timely project that we hope provides businesses time to think through alternatives open to them and prepare in a timely manner for the changes to come,” said founder and director of Latin Elephant Patria Román.

“The migrant and ethnic business readiness programme is unique in that it targets business communities who often face barriers to access financial and legal services under context of regeneration. We hope that the programme strengthens the positon of traders from an ethnic and migrant background.”

Latin Elephant is a registered charity that promotes participation, engagement and inclusion of migrant and ethnic groups in processes of urban change in London. In the past years the organisation has been responding to urban policy frameworks supporting migrant and ethnic economies in London; supporting existing migrant and ethnic businesses in the context of broader processes of regeneration, and has been increasing inclusion, engagement of the wider community in participatory activities.

For further information on the programme and how to get register please write to: