Policy Responses
Elephant and Castle Town Centre Application – REJECTED
ELEPHANT AND CASTLE TOWN CENTRE APPLICATION (16/AP/4458) - Southwark Council Planning Committee – 16 January 2018 Delancey's Planning Application for the Elephant & Castle Town Centre Development was rejected at the Planning Committee of 16th January 2018. The...
Centro Urbano de Elephant and Castle (ref: 16/AP/4458)
Latin Elephant presentó objeciones a la solicitud de planificación para el desarrollo del Centro Urbano de Elephant and Castle (Elephant and Castle Town Centre and LCC Campus - Southwark Council Planning App ref: 16/AP/4458). Nos preocupa que la propuesta para el...
Latin Elephant’s Feedback to New Southwark Plan
Consultation for the New Southwark Plan (NSP) Preferred Option took place throughout 2016, with a first call ending in February 2016 and a second call ending in November 2016. Latin Elephant submitted feedback to the NSP 2015 in both instances. The response addresses...
Latin Elephant’s Response to CPO Wards Corner Regeneration Project
Latin Elephant's objection to Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO)Wards Corner Project 2016 on behalf of West Green Rd and Seven Sisters Development Trust; Pueblito Paisa Ltd and Latin Corner UK, Ltd. We oppose the CPO issued to traders in the Wards Corner development site...
Latin Elephant Gains Change in London Plan 2015
Latin Elephant has made progress in promoting the contribution that migrant and ethnic communities make to London’s diverse economies and cultures. Latin Elephant’s advocacy for inclusion of migrant and ethnic economies took a positive turn when one of our...
Latin Elephant’s response to London Enterprise Panel on Economic Development Plan
The relationship between urban growth, regeneration and small migrant and ethnic economies is a theme that we feel should be explicitly addressed in LEP’s economic development plan for London. Read full response here: LEP_EmergingThemesSubmission_LatinElephant