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Update on Elephant & Castle Town Centre Application

Delancey has made further changes to the Elephant and Castle Town Centre Application since its rejection and deferral on 16th and 30th  January 2018. Amendments to the original application have now been submitted by the Applicant. The application will go back to...

Update on EC Relocation Strategy – LE Comments

LE comments on Relocation Strategy Update: After consultation with traders in the Shopping Centre, Latin Elephant is writing to comment on the ‘Draft Local Business Support and Relocation Strategy Update’ letter submitted 13 November 2017 by DP9...

Under the Same Sun: Art from Latin America today

Under the Same Sun: Art from Latin America today

Under the Same Sun: Art from Latin America today (June - September 2016) - Latin Elephant provided community outreach support to South London Gallery during the summer of 2016.  We also facilitated two Spanish Tours of the Exhibtion, you can access the sound version...